Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on 22 April 2024


Annual Statement of Assurance 2022-2023

(Appendix 1 refers)


Contact for further information – Justin Johnston – Chief Fire Officer

Tel: 01772 866800


Executive Summary

The Fire and Rescue National Framework for England (2018) sets out the Government’s high-level expectations, priorities and objectives for Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs) in England. Included within the framework is the requirement that all FRAs must provide assurance on financial, governance and operational matters.


The attached Annual Statement of Assurance (Appendix 1) aims to provide the required accountability and transparency to our communities and the Government that Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) continues to deliver efficient, effective, value for money services.


This statement sits alongside our Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP), Statement of Accounts, the Annual Governance Statement, the Annual Service Plan and Annual Service Report. It details what measures are in place to assure that the Combined Fire Authority’s performance is efficient, economic, and effective and provides further evidence that LFRS continues to deliver under the expectations detailed within both the National Framework and our own Risk Management Plan.


The Authority is asked to approve the Annual Statement of Assurance 2022-2023 as presented and approve the signing of this by the Chair of the Authority and the Chief Fire Officer.




The attached Annual Statement of Assurance 2022-2023 provides assurance in three core areas:


·         Financial Assurance

·         Assurance on Governance

·         Operational Assurance


“The statement sets out how we demonstrate assurance in these areas, culminating in the following declaration: -


The Chair of Lancashire Combined Fire Authority and Chief Fire Officer of Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service are satisfied that the Authority’s financial, governance and operational assurance arrangements are adequate and operating effectively and meet the requirements detailed within the Fire and Rescue National Framework.”


Business risk

None arising from this report.


Sustainability or Environmental Impact

None arising from this report.


Equality and Diversity Implications

None arising from this report.


Data Protection (GDPR)


Will the proposal(s) involve the processing of personal data?  No


HR implications

None arising from this report.


Financial implications

None arising from this report.


Legal implications

The Fire and Rescue National Framework for England (2018) sets out a requirement for fire and rescue authorities to publish Statements of Assurance annually. The Statement of Assurance will be used as a source of information on which to base the Secretary of State’s biennial report under section 25 of the Fire and Rescue Act 2004.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers





Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: Insert Exemption Clause